Terms of use (disclaimer) for this website

In opening and using this website, you agree to the following conditions.

zur Datenschutzerkärung

Provisions and conditions

1. With the exception of contents uploaded to the website by third parties, the entire contents of the website and the software used for this is owned by Art Badgastein or its partners and customers, or they have the exclusive right of use thereof. These contents are protected by copyright, industrial property rights and other intellectual property legislation.

2. It is permitted to download or print out individual pages and/or individual areas of this website insofar as neither the copyright notices nor other legally protected designations are removed and the pages or areas are not used for commercial purposes. If software or other data is downloaded from this website or reproduced in any other manner, all rights shall remain with Art Badgastein.

3. The data protection provisions as per the Data Protection Declaration published on this website apply for personal data or personal contents.

4. Art Badgastein does not provide any guarantee – either expressly or tacitly – that the contents of this website will be constantly available or are correct, accurate, up-to-date or complete.

In addition, Art Badgastein does not provide any express or tacit guarantee that the rights of third parties are not impaired, that access to this website will be possible on an uninterrupted basis or free from malfunctions or viruses, that this website is safe and that recommendations or views of Art Badgastein that can be derived from this website are correct or reliable.

Art Badgastein is not liable for damage or disadvantages suffered by the user as a result of using or the impossibility of using this website, or as a result of the user having used or relied on this website or on the contents made available on it.

All the contents of this website can be changed at any time without notice. Art Badgastein additionally does not assume any liability or responsibility for losses suffered in conjunction with viruses that have attacked computer systems or other property of users after they have used, called up or downloaded contents of this website. To the extent permitted by law, the user hereby expressly releases Art Badgastein, its managerial staff, directors, employees, suppliers and programmers from all claims for damages resulting from the use of or access to this website.

5. This website can contain links or references to other (external) websites or can be opened via links from other websites over which Art Badgastein has no influence. Art Badgastein does not assume any responsibility for the availability and content of these other websites and is not liable for damage or disadvantages suffered as a result of the use of these contents or access of this type. Any links to other websites are provided solely to enhance the user-friendliness of this website. Users establish the link to the other websites at their own risk. Art Badgastein does not assume any liability arising out of a breach or omission in the data protection policy of third parties.

6. With the exception of data and information that is protected by our data protection provisions, all messages and material that the user transmits to the website by electronic mail or other means, including data, questions, comments, proposals and the like, will be treated, both now and in the future, as non-confidential and non-protected information. Everything that the user transmits can be used for all purposes, and in particular for reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcasting and dispatch. In addition, Art Badgastein is entitled to use ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in a message sent to the website by the user for any purpose whatsoever, and in particular for the development, manufacture and marketing of products with the aid of such information.

Jurisdiction and applicable law

Any disputes or claims that result from the use of this website or in conjunction therewith are subject to Austrian law and shall be settled exclusively by the courts of Bad Gastein, Austria.

Updating of the conditions of use

Art Badgastein reserves the right to modify or correct these conditions of use at any time.

Bad Gastein, March 2020

and download the magazine!


5640 Bad Gastein / Austria

©2019 art:badgastein, all rights reserved, pictures by curtesy of partners and artists

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