our partners:

Thank you very much !

We would like to thank our sponsors, without whom our trade fair and its events would never have been possible!

Wir danken dem Kurort Bad Gastein, dem Tourismusverband, allen unterstützenden Hoteliers, den Künstler*innen, Partner*innen, Galerist*innen, Fotograf*innen, Journalist*innen, allen Bad Gasteiner*innen, den Gästen und den treuen und neuen Fans der sommer.frische.kunst. für ihre anhaltende und großzügige Unterstützung.

We would like to thank the spa town of Bad Gastein, the tourist office, all supporting hoteliers, the artists, partners, gallery owners, photographers, journalists, all Bad Gastein residents, the guests and the faithful and new fans of sommer.frische.kunst. for their lasting and generous support.

Special Thanks To Our Partners

Bad Gastein

Victor Foxtrot


Land Salzburg



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5640 Bad Gastein / Austria

©2019 art:badgastein, all rights reserved, pictures by curtesy of partners and artists

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